The Lion & Pirate, an inclusive, open mic for writers, performers, and acoustic musicians, invites you to join us the first weekend of the month. Join the Lion […]
The Lion & Pirate, an inclusive, open mic for writers, performers, and acoustic musicians, invites you to join us the first weekend of the month. Join the Lion […]
The Lion & Pirate, an inclusive, open mic for writers, performers, and acoustic musicians, invites you to join us the first weekend of the month. Join the Lion […]
The Lion & Pirate, an inclusive, open mic for writers, performers, and acoustic musicians, invites you to join us the first weekend of the month. Join the Lion […]
Interested in writing, public speaking, or acting? Art Spark Texas would like to invite you to share your story on the Art Spark podcast. The Virtual Speaking Advocates […]
The Lion & Pirate invites you to our virtual inclusive open mic for writers, performers, and musicians! As always, we’re open to work in any genre: music, spoken […]
The Lion & Pirate invites you to a Disability Pride Month In-Person Showcase. Hosted by Alienated Majesty Books, Coalition of Texans with Disabilities, and Art Spark Texas. Hey […]
Art Spark Texas is inviting you to audition for the world premier of Waiting For the Bus By James Burnside CASTING CALL Click the following file to hear an […]
Our usual virtual open mic is in person this month! Join us at the Art Spark Texas Studio at 1152 San Bernard Street, Austin, TX 78702. At this […]